
Ellipse-Ellipse overlap area

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Ellipse-Ellipse overlap area:

This program calculates the overlapping area of two arbitrary ellipses. It implements the algorithm published in this paper. See also the available preprint. The page if this project is here.



This should produce an executable (overlap)

./overlap inputfile id

(id is 1 or 2 to choose between two different quartic solvers)

Contents and Formats of files:

id A1 B1 H1 K1 PHI_1 A2 B2 H2 K2 PHI_2

(11 columns)

id areaE1 areaE2 OverlapAreaAnalytical OverlapAreaPolynomial rel_err
id x0 y0 x1 y1 x2 y2 ...

this file is used by the plot-script

How to visualize the results:

python inputFile rootsFile resultsFile

That would produce in the directory ./cases/ a couple of png's


#define USING_BOOST 0


The solver of the quartic function is the central part of the code. Actually, two different solvers are used separately:

The second one is faster, however fails to calculate accurately the roots of test_5.

To do: